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Hanging Ornament

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Hanging Ornament 
Price: $98/pc
Free shipping in HongKong 
Free attachment: 20 pieces of Spring Charms
(By random assortment)

Crane lion (Southern Lion)hanging ornaments
This ornament comes with total 10 colors and they are suitable for hanging in your vehicles or to attach a Spring Charm as a lucky & fortunate icon during the Chinese New Year to bring everyone joy, happiness and peace!

Spring Charms & their meanings:

1 紫氣東來:Nobleness from the East.
2 出入平安:Pass in & out safety.
3 生意興隆:Business is booming.
4 心想事成:What you think will be done.
5 青春常駐:Permanent residence of youth.
6 财源廣進:The wealth is generalized.
7 招財進寶:Treasure and wealth.
8 風調雨順:The wind & rain be smooth.
9 龍馬精神:High spirit as dragon & horse.
10 横財就手:Easy money is in the hands.
11 風生水起:Fengshui is very helpful.
12 駿業宏開:New business is grand opened.
13 大展鴻圖:To have a good & big business.
14 身體健康:Physically healthy & well.
15 一帆風順:To set a very smooth sail.
16 財源滾滾:Continuous wealth keep rolls in 
17 如意吉祥:Be lucky & well being.
18 笑傲江湖:Be easy in the whole world.
19 壽比南山:Long live as Nan Shan.
20 一本萬利:Making profit 10 thousand times as much.

Crane Lion (Southern Lion)

Nanshi is a traditional folk culture originating in Nanhai, Guangdong Province. Folklore that lion dance can exorcise evil spirits. It is a typical representative of folk sports representative of folk sports art, and it is also a reflection of the Chinese people's hard work, uplifting and vigourous spirit. Dragon boat and southern lion have a deep mass base in the South China Sea. Every festival or major event, such as the new celebration, the Spring Festival competition, boat picking, knocking on gongs and drums, and dancing lions to help the fun. Since ancient times, it has continued to flourish. Especially with the inheritance of Hong Kong and Macao and overseas compatriots, this festive folk activity has flourished since the reform and opening up.


Height 148 mm X Diameter 40 mm
Net Weight :15 gm
Gross Weight: 22 gm
Material: PVC, metal, Nylon
Spring Charm: Paper & color ink
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